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Rebuilding St. Bernard Parish

Question asked on December 6, 2005 9:09 PM :: :: Comments (0) :: TrackBacks (0)

In typical St. Bernard Parish fashion, neighbors are helping neighbors, although in this case, those neighbors may be hundreds of miles apart.

Since Hurricane Katrina first swept through St. Bernard Parish and the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coast, many residents have been keeping up with each other and their local officials through emails that automatically gets distributed to over 600 St. Bernard residents. Now that someple are returning to their jobs, if not their homes, they don't always have access to their email accounts.

To help those people who cannot access the messages through email or just prefer to read the messages from a web site, the most recent messages are now posted to the here.

If you would like a free subscription so you can have the messages delivered straight into your inbox, you can sign up for it here.


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